Whats the craic?
The 16th Battle is on the way!
Sept 26th-Sept 28th 2025
Every year, at the same windy time, All the watersport Fanatics from Ireland and abroad come together for the annual Pilgrimage! Achill Island is one of the best places in the world for kitesurfing, windsurfing, winging and the whole sheebam, you know the craic at this stage ah!
Year after year those water fanatics have been followed by other visitors: beach lovers, music lovers, Fire Lovers, Nature Lovers and all sort of lovers and happy people... WHY NOT? the more the merrier!
.The Battle has then become a real little cool festival!
Be ready for a fantastic show! Pure Magic & friends invite you into a wonderland of Flying, music and entertainement, Food and surprises, right in the middle of the WILD ATLANTIC WAY!
All the watersport Actions will take place between Keel Lake and Keel Beach. The usual Suspects will be present. There will be loads of amazing action thats for sure!
This year, after the huge interplanetary Success of 2023, we will go in the woods again with our amazing friends of the Valley House! "the Magical Forest"... Yes... a enchantered Forest full of flying fairies!
And the weekend will be full of surprises in one of the most amazing place in the World:
Are you ready for the last Summer Festival? Expect the Unexpected!